Friday, July 15, 2011

I don't want to live on this planet anymore

I went to see the latest Harry Potter movie, and I was so excited. I mean this was the final movie of one of my most favourite fantansy series. I sat in my seat in the trailers started playing. The first one for Abduction looked interesting, but I wasn't interested. But then the next trailer, oh god, I will be haunted by it for a while. It was the trailer for a GLEE movie. When I heard the beginning of their cover of Don't Stop Believing, it was like an red alert alarm, I knew something was wrong, and when I saw them, I was terrified, it was something more dark and evil then Voldemort and his death eaters combined. I inmediatly covered my ears, closed my eyes, and tried to think happy thoughts. Everything felt like a blur, like I was in a bad dream. But it wasn't a bad dream, it was all too real. After the trailer stopped playing, I calmed myself a little, but I had this little feeling of dread that is still in me. Soon the movie started and I enjoyed the movie, it made me feel better. And after the movie was over, I headed home and posted the grim news in my facebook page. I can't believe Glee would sink this low. First they ruined TV, then music, then literature (yes there are Glee books sadly,) and now they're trying to ruin Cinema. But they can't get to, not if I stay strong, and if I have the six elements of music, (John Lennon, Elvis, Bob Dylan, Hans Zimmer, Jim Morrison, and Freddie Merrcury) in my heart, glee will never bring me down.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Corruption under the mouse.

I was watching TV this morning and they were announcing the nominations for the Academy awards I notice something interesting. Toy Story 3 was nominated twice, one for best animated feature, and another for Best Picture. Now I have nothing against Disney/any company that Disney owns or Mickey Mouse, in fact Disney was a big part of my childhood and pretty much anybody has seen something from the magic kingdom in the 80-70 years the company has been around. But I've notice that the academy of film has been corrupted by Mickey Mouse. Because I noticed that many of the films that have won best animated feature has been something from Disney or a studio that a part of Disney(i.e the company that made spirited away is owned by Disney.) and that leaves the smaller independent movies to be ignored and played in local movie theatres and not as well and probably unnoticed. And I truly noticed this on two occasions. One was last year when the secret of kells lost to the movie up, and with this I wonder how is that possible, the secret of kells was very beautiful with a amazing story and music. The second one is a little while back, the film Persepolis lost to ratatouille, I was all right with this at first but then I saw the movie and I realized "wow this movie should've won." And with an animated film being nominated for best picture isn't anything new the last time this happened was back in 1991 with the movie Beauty and the Beast (a Disney movie by the way.)And it even won it, Now that's going the extra mile. And I know what you're thinking "Disney hasn't won every Oscar for best animated feature," I know and the reason is they know that if they won it all the time people would get suspicious and soon find out what they're doing, so they only bribe them if it absolutely necessary. I have many theories on how they're able to accomplish this. 1:It's a giant mouse so he could scare the votes out of them, 2.1:the academy can't say no to Mickey for sentimental reason, 2.2:Some Academy member feel that he or she owes Mickey one for helping them with their career in either helping getting it off the ground or getting their career back. It took me a while but I found a website of past winners for Disney in the academy awards. The information is hard to find as if Disney is trying to hide it from the public.I'll stop here but I'll post again after the Oscars to see if it's true. And remember be careful of the mouse. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A great movie I saw

One Thursday they had a showing at the city cinema of 2001: a space Odyssey. I LOVED it. It was amazing watching a masterpiece with fellow film geeks like me. and it was amazing. But one moment was pretty funny, during the part when one of the crew members body was floating in space it was really quiet, and I swore I heard a snow plow go by because I heard the "beep beep beep" through the wall. But besides that it was a great moment. the snacks were cheap (just got a small popcorn and a ginger ale and it cost me 5 bucks,) and this was just a opportunity since it was one night only. Totally worth skipping youth group. :)